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Photo Gallery - 2020

[The Covid-19 Years]

Despite lockdowns and restrictions, our Community Orchard & wildflower meadow continued to arrange socially distanced & 'bubble' events and involve our amazing community in creating a valued green space.

  • Wildflower event - 21st April 2020

"Sow some wildflower seeds on Wheston Bank - family groups & bubbles all welcome."















  • Commemorate the 75th Anniversary of VE Day - 9th May 2020

"We planted a Bramley apple tree to commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day" This is also a photo of the wildflowers around the WW1 100th anniversary Armistice Plaque.


  • Orchard Harvesting - Sept 2020

"Everyone is invited to pick apples, plums and damsons, free for all to share - but leave a few for others :) "


A very big thank you to everyone who made our Orchard such a success. Thank you DDCVS Derbyshire Dales Council for Voluntary Services and the Co-Op Community Fund for supporting us from the start

1d [publish] children's wildflowers (Oct20).jpg
1b [publish] James & Robyn Grainger #5.jpg
1a [publish] children sowing wildflowers#2.jpg
1c [publish] James & Robyn Grainger #1.jpg
1a [publish] children sowing wildflowers#1.jpg
3c [publish] Lamb's seedling.jpg
3b [publish] Grainger harvest #1.jpg
3a [publish] Grainger harvest #3.jpg
3d [publish]  Farleigh damson.jpg
3e [publish]  Acklam Russet.jpg
2a [publish] armistice wildflowers (27Jun20).jpg
2b [publish] Kathleen's Bramley VE Day (8may20) #3.jpg
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